Building a Diverse Teacher Workforce
Building a Diverse Teacher Workforce
A diverse teacher workforce is crucial in contributing to the overall quality of education for all students.
Unlike other GYO programs, the Pathways2Teaching® program was intentionally designed to attract students of Color. Using decades of research that highlights what we know about why teachers of Color enter the field, Dr. Bianco created curricula that centers educational justice, racial uplift, and community activism throughout the program.
Listen to Pathways2Teaching Student Talk about Impact of Class & Need for Latino Teachers
Informed by critical pedagogy, students learn to understand their world, examine educational inequities, and propose solutions to right the wrongs in and for their community.
You Can't be Who You Don't See
Students are also introduced to historical and contemporary scholars of Color so they see themselves as future scholars and educational leaders motivated to improve the education system by removing the very inequities they have experienced.
Pathways2Teaching student providing professional development for teachers & administrators - Discussing what students need from them. Teachers of Color & Allies Conference, Boulder, CO
A Few Related Resources - Educator Diversity
Carver-Thomas, D.,& Bianco, M., Goings, R., & Hyler, M.E.(2024). Policies and practices for recruiting and retaining teachers of color. Education Policy Analysis Archives, 32(59).
This article is part of the special issue, Research on Teachers of Color and Indigenous Teachers, guest edited by Conra Gist, Travis Bristol, and Saili Kulkarni.Abstract: Despite growing interest and investment in building a more racially and ethnically diverse teacher workforce, increases in the share of teachers of color nationally have stalled in recent years. Even with more new teachers of color entering the profession each year, about 80% of the teacher workforce has been white since 2015. This trend highlights the need for researchers and policymakers to view the recruitment and retention of teachers of color as interrelated and critically important to increase the diversity of the teacher workforce. This paper synthesizes what we know about policies and practices at the national, state, and local levels that support recruiting and retaining teachers of color: access to comprehensive teacher preparation, access to mentoring, and supportive teaching conditions. The paper also provides a series of policy recommendations that can improve recruitment and retention for teachers of color based upon the literature.
Pathways2Teaching: Addressing the Teacher Diversity Gap through Grow Your Own Programs
Bianco and Marin-Paris, 2019
Gist, Bianco, and Lynn, 2019
Bianco, Leech, and Mitchell, 2013
Grow Your Own Programs and Teachers of Color
Teacher Education Quarterly
Educator Diversity Learning Policy Institute
The State of Teacher Diversity in American Education
Handbook on Research on Teachers of Color and Indigenous Teachers
Bianco and Goings, Recruitment Section Editors
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